Friday, May 20, 2011

Auction Red Flag Issues chapter 7

Chapter 7

Auction Red Flag Issues

Your Ego • Bad Smells

Open Boxes • Mattresses & Old Computer Equipment

• Lack of Boxes • Visible Food Items

Your Ego

“ I am going to beat these other buyers no matter what-- unless you have money to burn. Set your realistic bidding budget and don’t budge!

Bad Smells

Use your nose. If it smells bad beware. You would not want smelly things in your house, nor will anyone else.

Ransacked Units Open Boxes…

BEWARE of units with scavenged, torn boxes, scattered items, goods pulled partially from boxes. Use caution when bidding on these units as the previous owner may have come in and just left the junk and taken out all the valuables–Leaving the debt to you, or the storage company of the cost to dispose of trash. You will develop a 6th sense for this in time.

Disposing of Old Mattresses, Computer equipment etc. will negatively affect your gross profits as they can be expensive to dispose of.

Lack of Boxes

Typically when people pack cherished collectables (the meat of your profits), they pack them in boxes. The more boxes, the better your chances of hitting the jackpot.

Visible Food Items

Be it human food or dog food, use caution as you may be winning a few more unwanted mouths to feed–namely rodents.

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